  1. Rooms by building
  2. Computer Rooms
  3. Flexible Learning Spaces
  4. Learning Rooms
  5. Meeting Rooms
  6. ISLA Rooms
  7. Hybrid Meeting Rooms
  1. Bunhill Row
    1. LG001
    2. LG002
    3. LG003
    4. LG010
    5. G001
    6. G002
    7. G004
    8. 1001
    9. 2001
    10. 2002
    11. 2003
    12. 2004
    13. 2005
    14. 2006
    15. 2007
    16. 2008
    17. 2009
    18. 2010
    19. 2011
    20. 2012
    21. 2013
    22. 3002
    23. 3003
    24. 3010
    25. 3011



Horseshoe lecture theatre


Business School, Bunhill Row


83 tiered seating


Overhead/Data projector

Height adjustable AV Pod, networked PC, large-format visualiser, laptop connection (VGA with audio and HDMI) and stereo speakers

The room is enabled for voice amplification via a wireless mic, available to borrow from Bayes Library

Hybrid teaching facility (ISLA)*

Lecture Capture*

Disabled access

Blackout blinds

*Contact the IT Service Desk to check status